How do I become a Certified IPM Turf Practitioner?

An individual can become a Certified IPM Turf Practitioner if they:

  1. Complete a training program as prescribed by the Standards Committee that encompasses theoretical and applied aspects of integrated pest management in turf and landscapes or have other credentials that satisfy the training requirement.
  2. Pass an examination as set by the Standards Committee, at a minimum 75% score.
  3. Pay the examination fee (See: Fee Structure).   Fee covers cost of writing of examination, administration of the certification data management system, and annual tracking of CEC’s.

Application IPM Exam 2019

Fee Structure


Landscape Certification

Study material for Landscape is the Sustainable Turf manual.  Copies can be ordered ($35.00 plus shipping)  from or Click here to access a pdf copy:  Sustainable Turf Manual – 2003 edition

Golf Courses Certification

Plant Health Atlantic currently recommends the following study materials for certification on Golf Courses

–       OMAF Publication #384:  “Turf grass Management Recommendations”  $20.00

–       OMAF Publication #162:  “Diseases and Insects of Turf in Ontario”  $20.00

–       OMAF Publication #816:  “Turf IPM Manual”  $20.00

OMAF Publications are available from:
Publications Ontario, 1-888-466-2372, or on-line at

or direct order by Emailing Dave McCafferty  Administrator

When can I write my exam?

Plant Health Atlantic has no set dates for offering opportunities to write the IPM Exam. When you are ready to write contact Dave McCafferty Administrator who will arrange a location for writing.